Baby Baby

Baby, Baby! is a short board book that has babies as the primary focus.  It uses lots of colours and kept my sons attention through the entire book!! It uses a rhyming pattern to make it more melodic when being read aloud – but every second page has the rhyme since it is short sentences. It also teaches/reminds children at the end that they are always loved by God – and also has a large reflective surface/mirror at the end.

The book is recommended for children 1-3 years old.

It was written by Diane Stortz and illustrated by Ailie Busby. It is currently available on for $7.99, or for $10.99

I thought that this book was pretty awesome and ran a giveaway on my facebook page. It was open to anyone who commented, lived in Canada or the United States, and used the hashtag #BabyBaby.


Tracey C.

Thank so you much to everyone who entered and/or shared my post. I will contact the winner via facebook!





My French Creation!

Hey guys!  I feel like it has been forever since I last wrote a blog post! I’ve been teaching French as a Second Language, and I have continued to review products. I’ve been reviewing so many I’ve gotten my Amazon rank under 200!!!!!   It’s been crazy busy with just those two things alone, let alone keeping up with housework and Little Man, but just to make sure I was not too bored,

I am also finishing an additional qualification online course in order to get my certificate to teach French all the time.  One of the final assignments in the class asked me to write a blog post!  Since I have a blog I’ve been sorely neglecting, I thought I would post it here. If you would like the English translation, let me know in the comments below!!!! If you speak/read french… let me know what you think of my assignment!!!


“Composez un blog pour partager des idées pratiques, des suggestions et des activités pour le FLS qui touchent aux diverses méthodes d’évaluation, qui répondent aux besoins différents des élèves et qui encourage les pensées plus élevées selon la taxonomie de Bloom.”  (Give ideas, suggestions and activities for FSL affecting the evaluation methods that encourage higher order thinking based on Bloom’s taxonomy).



Il y a 6 niveaux dans la taxonomie de Bloom. La première est connaître. Ceci est le façon la plus simple de montrer votre connaissance en identifiant ce que vous savez. Un exemple de cela est répondre aux questions de choix ou faire des listes.



Le second est comprendre. Ceci est un peu plus difficile car vous devais expliquer et démontrer votre compréhension. Un exemple de ceci serait un texte résumant, donnant une description détaillée, donner une définition et puis en donnant des exemples, etc.



Le troisième est appliquer. Pour ce niveau d’évaluation les élèves vont appliquer l’information qu’ils savent déjà pour résoudre un problème nouveaux qu’ils n’ont pas vu avant. Cependant, ils utilisent des connaissances et des compétences précédemment acquise pour résoudre le problème. Un exemple de ceci est l’application d’une règle de grammaire à des phrases qu’ils ont pas vu avant.


Le quatrième est analyser. Les étudiants examinant une section ou partie, en profondeur, afin de les aider à comprendre la grande image. Les étudiants seront généralement comparent ou déconstruire à ce niveau d’évaluation. Cela pourrait même inclure l’analyse leur propre travail et d’expliquer ce qu’ils ont fait avant, pendant et après la lecture d’un texte pour comprendre ce qu’ils ont lu.



Le cinquième est Évaluer. Les élèves doivent expliquer la raison derrière ce qu’ils ont fait. Ils pourraient faire une critiquer ou résumer information. Un exemple serait regarder du travail qu’ils ont accompli et ensuite faire une auto-évaluation. Pour certains cela pourrait être le plus difficile type d’évaluation.


La sixième et dernière, est créer. Dans ce dernier niveau, les élèves créent quelque chose eux-mêmes, que ce soit une œuvre d’art, une pièce de théâtre, ou une présentation de PowerPoint ou même d’un autre méthode – pour démontrer leurs connaissances. Dans mon cas, ce blog est ma pièce de création!


Think BIG, think deeper….CREATE!


*All of the pictures used in this post were located using a Google search. I do not own the rights to any of them.

Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids GIVEAWAY

This devotional is from the same author of the popular Jesus Calling devotional. Giveaway information is located near the bottom of this post
Introducing About Jesus Today: Devotions for Kids

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Relief from Lower Back Pain

#lowbackpainprogram was written by a fellow Canadian in Southern Ontario – actually in a town where I did some of my teaching placements — Aurora.

This Ebook is available through the website, Kindle, iBooks, Smashwords and Createspace.

I’ve done a few of these stretches so far, and am happy to say they have actually been helping. I am only about halfway as I’ve been trying out stretches as I go along. There are a lot of informational chapters at the beginning, but then it starts explaining how to do the stretches, with illustrations to show as well. I have been impressed by the information contained within the book, and also what I found on their site.

I visited their website, and was interested by a picture that said do NOT do crunches, sit ups or isolation exercises as they are hard on your back and can cause more damage than good! Check it out here.


Here is a message from the author

If you suffer from lower back pain, or know those who do, I would like to help you find greater relief and would appreciate your review and support.

My website currently receives approximately 45,000 visitors per month with over one thousand copies sold in its first year of operation. As of to date, I have received very positive and transformative reviews from all who have responded. My desire is to help those who suffer from this condition as I once suffered for over 10 years. My site and book are based on hard work, honesty and accountability.

Learn how to self treat chronic lower back pain easily and safely with this fully illustrated, instructional, low impact, pain-safe, exercise guide long term.
The majority of cases of chronic lower back pain are either directly related to, or worsened by specific muscle weaknesses and imbalances.

This specifically designed guide carefully teaches the correct methods to move, train and strengthen your body to properly relieve back pain. It uses non-surgical, non-medicinal, and safe methods for all ages and difficulties. It will help with your current pain, to prevent the return of pain, and to reduce your dependency on medication and surgery.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will relieve your pain as you learn a series of short and effective exercises. The exercises will teach you how to treat and recondition several misunderstood and neglected areas of the lower back, hips and legs that can lead to lower back pain.

The Low Back Pain Program demonstrates effective, very low-risk exercises, stretches and movements to treat and prevent: lower back pain, backache, back spasms and more, long term with a careful, concise, ‘at home’ guide. This book contains 45 important exercises, over 170 detailed illustrations, 3 treatment and conditioning levels, 1 maintenance level and 4 progress charts.

The exercises condition and restore proper mobility and function for your lower back, hips, legs and pelvis, allowing painful areas time to heal and recover. The guide begins with 13 ‘Limited Mobility Exercises’ to improve your flexibility and address your stiffness and tightness that contribute to and worsen lower back pain. 19 ‘Progressive Exercises’ then, stimulate, develop and strengthen the muscles and joints necessary to protect the lower back from pain. 13 ‘Challenging Exercises’ are then taught to reinforce, correct and re-educate the muscles and joints to move and operate functionally and effectively to prevent recurrence of lower back pain. Upon completion of these exercises, 11 simple ‘Maintenance Exercises’ selected can then be seamlessly used throughout your daily routine as needed to keep your muscles optimally conditioned to protect your lower back from imbalances and pain.

The exercises are founded on the methods of exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and lower back pain and injury rehabilitation. They are intended for home use and can be performed at the users convenience and comfort level.

This guide provides those in pain, a much needed alternative to popular exercises and stretches that are recommended but still do not resolve the cause of the pain. It will benefit the user throughout their life as their physical needs change with age and lifestyle.

For more information go to:

#StartWrite PRINTING software GIVEAWAY!

I have another giveaway for you, and this time, you will win software to create and print your own customized worksheets either as blank lines, with tracing dots to help out young writers learn to print.

This program works for WINDOWS computers only (sorry to all those with really cool, advanced apple laptops and desktops).

EDIT: I am sorry for my previous confusing title, this does printing and not cursive, but you could print out the blank lines, then hand-write in yourself. Then other blank lines below could be used for practicing!


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