#MarkyProducts Herb Scissors

I was supposed to receive these scissors from the seller in order to review, but unfortunately, they were not able to mail them to Canada.

I’ve seen a LOT of various ones being advertised lately, and I think that they are pretty cool. Needing to cut fresh herbs into small pieces can be difficult if you struggle at all with your knife work – I think I’m pretty decent, and I still struggle.

Would have loved to try these. Here is the link if you would like to check out the listing and see what others have said in review.   None of the herb scissors that I have seen advertised in the past have mentioned coming with something to help clean out the blades. I imagine you would want to clean the blades with this device and/or soapy water almost immediately after cutting so it’s easier. Dried herbs would be hard.

  • All pictures from the sellers listing where review was advertised and not my own as it was unable to ship to Canada.



Stone Bearers #FutureHousePub

If you are looking for something new to here, here is a new book I’m starting to read… tomorrow. Now, it’s finally bed time!!

Available on the publisher’s site, amazon.com, and goodreads.

Fifteen-year-old Ashira just received the worst coming-of-age prophecy imaginable.

After years dreaming of oceans, princes, and fairies, she expected to hear the words that would finally whisk her away from her ordinary desert village. Instead she hears, “ you will live a life of no renown.”

Ready to choose her own fate, she discovers a djinni’s bottle and starts making wishes. When the djinni proves uncooperative and annoying, Ashira sets out to the great city of magicians to learn magic and free herself from an uneventful life as a potter’s daughter.

But there is another prophecy being whispered in the shadows. It is said that among the great magicians, there is a demon on the rise with the power to destroy the world. The djinni might be Ashira’s only chance to become someone important, or he just might be the very demon that triggered the dark prophecy.

With the world on the brink of destruction, can Ashira fight her fate and stop the forces that threaten to upset the balance of the universe?

Potty Covers

Introducing the #PottyCover, a disposable toilet seat cover for children (and adults) that covers the sides and the front of the toilet, to keep away germs at public restrooms.

I thought it was a neat idea, since some places have pretty questionable washrooms and while an adult can do the hover… or just plain hold it if you can’t get somewhere clean, a child cannot. And there is almost never an actual seat cover in bathrooms these days, just a big empty hole where they used to be stored.

My son is almost two, and loves, I mean LOVES the potty… not so with the “big ones.” I thought that maybe having a cool seat cover on it, even just at home might make him more interested in going on the full sized toilet. For him, it didn’t work, he just wanted to play with it, and apparently a “paw patrol” insert (he likes puppies even more than the potty) was what he needed to want to sit there for a long time…. with a book.

But I DO know, what works for one parent (or doesn’t) will not be the same for another. If your child, maybe an older one even, will be all over this product.

This polka-dotted cover is made of a non-woven fabric coated with a layer of plastic, creating a waterproof barrier between the toilet and the user. It covers not only the top of the seat, but also the front and a large amount of the side too (sorry I forgot to take one of our toilet…. )


Each #pottycover was wrapped in a individual package, which would make this easier to carry in either a purse, diaper bag, stroller, vehicle, etc.

A pack of PottyCover is available online: Amazon.com, Amazon.ca, their website, all Buy Buy Baby stores around the country (USA) and at select Bed Bath & Beyond stores.
They are also being sold in Hong KongJapanPhilippines  and the United Kingdom.
I was shipped a sample of this product in order to review. I was not compensated to write this post (nor any post you guys see here).