Let the Little Children Come

Let the Little Children Come aims to provide gospel lessons for children. Rather than just a boring verbal lesson or a plain picture / colouring page they help to keep children’s attention and to convey the message to children living in the “golden age of technology and visual inputs”. The gospel tracts are all specially designed to capture and hold the attention of children, while not distracting them from the core message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Here is a sample video from their website to show how these gospel tracks could work.

Here are a few photos I took from the samples I received that will be donated to a local church in my area:


There are pop-up books, bracelets, and these “moving” picture books as well as many more things. If this is something you would like to know more about here is the link to their site.  Each package has 10 different things within them, or they can be ordered separately.

**MommaKauk received this sample package free of charge. I was asked to share about this product but was not paid in any manner other than the free samples.



AND… speaking of letting the little children come, if anyone was wondering where I had disappeared to this past year… we have begun another adventure. My little bundle of sleepless joy was born 5 months ago. This time pregnancy was not so wonderful, but I am back and starting to feel better, though lacking sleep!



Christmas is quickly approaching. . . be sure to spend a little time with your loved ones. The physical presents do not matter, its about the feeling of Christmas and spending time with those close to your heart. Let the little ones come to you, spend time with them, love them… and smile. Even in my lack of sleep delirium I know that this too will pass – and far too quickly.