Family fun…

WOW – okay I just found this sitting in my “DRAFT” section… apparently I never posted this one. My little man shown in the picture below is turning SEVEN next week…

Such a scary thought, thinking about how time flies so much faster than we want it to. I also have my baby girl… who turns FOUR in June. Where the heck did the time go?  

Anyway, this one made me laugh a little, considering I wrote it in 2016… apparently I predicted COVID, and the boredom we would be facing in our homes. Below is my post without any editing!


Have you ever been sitting at home, kinda bored seeing those same four walls, and wondering what to do? Around here, that’s a sure sign that we need to get outdoors.

My Little Man LOVES the great outdoors. He will actually stand at the baby gate, pointing downstairs and start crying – because he cannot yet say that he would like to go play outside.

There are a variety of places to go where I am living now – remote Northern Ontario – but the mall is definitely not one of them (which consists of a bank, restaurant and the Bargain Shop!)

Soooo, we play in the backyard, either in the backyard or on the deck (which so needs a face lift)


Sometimes we play on the front lawn, or go for a walk down our quiet dirt road.


This is PRETTY MUCH EXACTLY what we do now for fun once my son is done his digital schooling (we are currently on full lockdown and all schools are closed. We have moved homes, no longer have a deck, still have a quiet dirt path to walk down when we get squirrely). I hope you are all doing well. Big hugs to all those in need of company but not allowed to have people over. 

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